Getting individuals to commit to your organization is a process, not a one-time event or conversation. Part of the process is to generate awareness. One traditional way to generate awareness for an organization is by sponsoring a “fun-run” or charity auction. In these events, much of the energy and resources go into planning logistics, and participants often focus more on the activity itself than on the organization the event supports. An alternative to an event fundraiser is to first engage your long-term committed donors in a non-fundraising awareness event. To plan this event successfully, keep these tips in mind:
- Take a full six months to plan the non-fundraising awareness event. The goal is to use the planning of the event to begin to engage interest in your organization.
- Find well-known individuals in the community and ask them to be part of the hosting committee for the event. The role of the hosting committee is to identify invitees and ensure they understand that no financial donation will be requested.
- Schedule a three-hour lunch block of time with a simple menu of sandwiches and beverages that does not break the bank.
- Create an engaging element to spark participation and capture a memorable photo moment. For example, a creative element may be to introduce to the participants the recipe for making shoefly pie and give everyone a jar of molasses with the recipe on the jar.
- Arrange for one speaker at the event that will be used in the promotional materials. It should be someone that is well known in the local community that others would be interested in hearing. It could be a local businessperson, a charismatic pastor or a chef specializing in shoefly pies.
- Create an inviting, polished invitation listing the event, the host committee, and the theme of the lunch.
- Secure two speakers that will give emotional testimonials on the importance of your organization to also speak at the luncheon.
- Send the invitation to the local community. If you are at a loss as to whom to send the invitation, Eder Financial may be able to assist with a mailing list.
- When individuals check into the event, welcome them and lead them to the designated place for the photo opportunity. This is an important step in the after event, so don’t skip it!
- Conclude the event by facilitating the following call to action: “If you heard anything today that makes you pause, ponder, or pray, will you take our call?” The goal of this step is to get to a collective demonstration of yes which could be in the form of raised hands, or a cheer of “yes!”
After the event, send a handwritten note to each person including their picture. Use the photos in the development and implementation of the follow-up calls. In these calls, you are asking for greater support of your organization including, for example, being a campaign host at your next event.
In summary, the goal is to expand awareness of your mission-driven organization which will enable greater fundraising opportunities in the future. Eder Financial is uniquely positioned to come alongside your organization. We look forward to sharing other tips, tools, and videos with you in the future.
The idea of a non-fundraising awareness event was taken from the Major Gifts Ramp-up Conference attended by two Eder Financial staff members.