
Insure Your Pets

Eder Health and Life Benefits offers Pet Insurance for employees of churches, districts, camps, and other Eder Financial employer groups through Nationwide, the largest carrier of this type of insurance. You can enroll today.

Our Basic My Pet Protection Plan Covers:

  • Accidents and illness 
  • Hereditary and congenital conditions 
  • Cancer 
  • Dental diseases 
  • Behavioral treatments 
  • Therapeutic diets and supplements 
  • Specialty and ER coverage 
  • Choice of any veterinarian 
  • An annual deductible of $250 

Our Enhanced My Pet Protection with Wellness Plan includes all of the basic pet insurance plan plus:


  • Spaying or neutering
  • Fleas and tick treatments
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Shots 

Our enhanced My Pet Protection with Wellness Plan covers veterinary expenses associated with the death of your insured pets, including euthanasia, cremation, or burial, as well as their replacement cost. 

Added Pet Coverage Includes:

  • Boarding and kennel fees if you are hospitalized as a result of illness or injury and need care for your pet while hospitalized 
  • Advertising and a reward if your insured pet strays or is stolen 
  • Replacement cost up to $1,000 if your pet is stolen or missing for more than 60 days. 

Pet insurance is available for dogs, cats, and other pets such as birds, certain reptiles, and more.

There is also a vet helpline to offer 24/7 advice on matters from general pet health concerns to urgent care needs. If you work for an organization served by Eder Health and Life Benefits and need pet insurance, sign up below, or call Nationwide at 877-738-7874.




Eder Financial serves individuals, organizations, and congregations affiliated with the Church of the Brethren as well as those of like mind within the broader faith-based and non-profit community.